Family Devotionals

Check out our Family Devotional Archive for a list of devotionals in both English and Spanish. Our devotionals include activities and discussion questions to do with your children to foster Biblical conversations.

Check out our Family Devotional Archive for a list of devotionals in both English and Spanish. Our devotionals include activities and discussion questions to do with your children to foster Biblical conversations.

This D6 resource provides three short devotionals for families to use throughout the week. It includes Scripture, questions, and some hands-on activities. Sign up here.

This D6 resource provides three short devotionals for families to use throughout the week. It includes Scripture, questions, and some hands-on activities. Sign up here.


Dinner Table Devotions

by Nancie Guthrie

This devotional guide helps families start where they are already gathered together on a daily basis―around the dinner table. It helps facilitate meaningful family discussions every day.


Family Faith Talks: 100 Discipleship Activities and Conversation Starters

by Sandy Atwood

This book is filled with simple ideas to help you include God in your everyday activities. It provides over 100 practical ways to talk with children about God. There are game ideas, questions to ask, Bible verses to read, and prayers to pray. Most don’t require any other items (except for a few science or cooking experiments). You might be surprised at how eager your kids are to learn from you!

Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God

by Bruce Ware

Enables parents of children 6 to 14 years of age to teach through the whole of systematic theology in an understandable, chapter-a-day format. Parents can teach their children the great truths of the faith and shape their worldviews early, based on these truths.

The Big Book Of Questions and Answers

by Sinclair Ferguson

Questions! Questions! Questions! Children are full of them. Where did I come from? What is God like? Is there only one God? This book is a family guide to the Christian Faith that will help you to answer these questions. This is a book for families to discover the key doctrines of Christianity in a way that stimulates discussion and helps children want to know more. Each page is set out in a clear child-friendly way with A Question, The Answer, A Memory Verse, Reading Time, Talking Time, Action Time and Prayer Time. Recommended for ages 5 to 10.

The Big Book of Questions & Answers About Jesus: A Family Guide to Jesus' Life and Ministry

by Sinclair Ferguson

This book tackles the many questions that children have about Jesus, including: What was so special about Jesus? Why did Jesus heal sick people? Why did Jesus have to die? How can I give my life to Jesus? Recommended for ages 5 to 10.

The Big Book of Bible Truths 1

by Sinclair Ferguson

You can never have too many stories! Children love them: We all do! And who better to hear about in a story than the great storyteller himself, Jesus. Through the stories in this book, you will find out about him, his life, how he wants to get to know you. Sinclair tells twenty–seven stories that will teach you about what it means to be a Christian. Recommended for ages 5 to 10.

Family Time Activities Books


Bubbles, Balloons, & Chocolate

by Kirk Weaver

Action-packed lessons teach about Lazarus, Ezekiel, Dorcas, David, Daniel, Cain, Samson, Lot and Abraham, and of course, Jesus Himself. Object lessons demonstrate for preschoolers abstract concepts such as invisible, powerful, sin, and eternal. This book is for families with preschoolers.


Seeing is Believing

by Kirk Weaver

It’s time to show your kids the truths you want them to understand. Object lessons and science experiments help children learn about God’s promises, the Holy Spirit, and even how sin can entrap us. Use simple household objects like a jar, string, and a hair dryer to illustrate the power of peer pressure. This book is for children of all ages.


Wiggles, Giggles, & Popcorn

by Kirk Weaver

Preschoolers are special people. They're energetic and inquisitive and will love acting out the story of Noah's Ark, hunting around the house for baby Moses, and telling the story of Ruth with colorful pipe-cleaner people. Each lesson is easy to follow and is packed full of Scripture verses and hands-on fun. This book is for families with preschoolers.

 Parenting Books


Family Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk With God 

by Voddie T. Baucham Jr.

Family Driven Faith equips Christian parents with the tools they need to raise children biblically in a post-Christian, anti-family society. God's simple command to Moses to teach the Word diligently to the children of Israel serves as the foundation of Family Driven Faith.


Shepherding a Child's Heart

by Tedd Tripp

Many parenting books are based on hit-or-miss theories steeped in secular thinking. This one draws from Pastor Tripp's seasoned experience as a father-and from God's Holy Word. Grounded in the Bible's divine plan for parenting, this guide defines your goals as a parent and provides the Scriptural methods for accomplishing them.


Instructing a Child's Heart

by Tedd Tripp and Margy Tripp

Picking up where Shepherding a Child's Heart left off, Tedd and Margy Tripp's new book, Instructing a Child's Heart, helps parents give instruction to their children that will persuade them of God's wisdom. Instead of focusing solely on behavior issues, the authors look at the heart of your child.


Parenting is Heart Work

by Scott Turansky

There are countless ways to try to get a child's attention and to effect change-but here's the truth-unless you deal with a child through his or her heart, you are not likely to see lasting change. In this book, you can learn to truly reach your child's heart to teach, train and build a tremendous relationship.


The Faithful Parent: A Biblical Guide to Raising a Family

by Martha Peace & Stuart Scott

The Faithful Parent emphasizes the importance of a parent's relationship with God. Every Christian parent wants their child to follow Christ, but it is critical that parents remain faithful whether their children do or not. Inside you'll find practical, biblical advice for parents of children of all ages - infants through adolescence. Discover how glorifying God in all circumstances has the most impact on your children.


Tying Their Shoes: A Christ-Centered Approach for Preparing for Parenting

by Robert Eric Green

Through a gospel-centered approach to parenting, Tying Their Shoes by Rob and Stephanie Green lays the foundation for expecting parents to welcome a new addition into their home in light of the gospel. Soon-to-be, first-time parents and moms and dads expecting an additional child will find Christ-centered hope, practical advice, and encouragement toward parental unity in this invaluable resource.


Leading Your Child to Christ: Biblical Direction for Sharing the Gospel

by Marty Machowski

In Leading Your Child to Christ: Biblical Direction for Sharing the Gospel, Marty Machowski outlines the core truths of the gospel and explains them in ways a child can understand. Using reflective questions, he helps you understand how to live the gospel openly with your children, allowing them to see how Christ is changing you, as well as how He desires to love and bring change to their lives.


Proverbs for Parenting: A Topical Guide for Child Raising from the Book of Proverbs

by Barbara Decker

Facing the classic problems of parenthood? Proverbs for Parenting offers realistic wisdom and encouragement. As relevant today as it has always been, the advice in these proverbs is helpfully divided into more than 70 topics, from anger and honesty to marriage and sex.

For articles on single parenting, sexual purity, discipline, anger, and more,    click here.

For articles on single parenting, sexual purity, discipline, anger, and more, click here.

For access to books, curriculum, online training, and more, click here.

For access to books, curriculum, online training, and more, click here.


Family Story Time


Quinn’s Promise Rock by Christie Thomas

Ages 3-7 years old.

Written for children experiencing moments of separation anxiety or other common fears, Quinn's Promise Rock reminds kids that God will always be there for them, whatever happens or wherever they go.


The Ology: Ancient Truths, Ever New by Marty Machowski

Ages 6-11 years old.

The Ology is a stunningly illustrated beginner's theology book to help kids of all ages understand who God is and how we, as his children, relate to him. The Ology is a starting point to learning theology and aims to create a hunger and desire in children to learn more as they grow older.


God’s Very Good Idea (Tales That Tell the Truth) by Trillia Newbell

Ages 4-8 years old.

God’s very good idea is to have lots of different people enjoying loving him and loving each other. This stunningly illustrated journey from the garden of Eden to God’s heavenly throne room shows how despite our sinfulness, everyone can be a part of God’s very good idea through the saving work of Christ.


You Wouldn’t Love Me If You Knew by Jeannie St. John Taylor

Ages 4-8 years old.

This story of forgiveness tells of a little boy who does something "bad" for which he thinks he cannot be forgiven. He does a number of "good" things, but every time someone thanks him and says that he is "good," he feels "bad." His mother assures him that she can forgive him and that Jesus will as well. We never know what the "bad" thing actually is as he whispers in his mother's ear, which will allow each child to identify with the situation.


It Will be Okay: Trusting God Through Fear and Change by Lysa TerKeurst

Ages 4-8 years old.

Whether we like it or not, growing up brings change. For many children, this conjures up fears that are sometimes real and sometimes imagined. How can kids learn that even when they face new and unfamiliar situations, they don't have to be afraid? It Will Be Okay will help kids discover that, in the end, it really will be okay because we have a God who is good and kind and always with us.


How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer

Ages 3-8 years old.

In How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids, Felix begins to see how every interaction in a day either fills or empties his bucket. Felix then realizes that everything he says or does to other people fills or empties their buckets as well. Before the day is over, you’ll see how Felix learns to be a great bucket filler, and in the process, discovers that filling someone else’s bucket also fills his own.


The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series by M. J. Thomas

Ages 6-9 years old.

The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient scrolls that transport them back to key moments in biblical history. In the first adventure in the series, Peter and Mary find themselves witnesses to the creation of the world just as God is speaking it into existence. Can they unlock the mystery of the scrolls before they get trapped in history forever?

Good News for Little Hearts Series

Ages 4-7 years old.

Stress, trying to fit in, jealousy, anger and so much more are issues that we daily navigate with our children! Join various animals who struggle with these same issues, but have parents, friends, or neighbors who remind them of the truth found in God's Word. This set of 10 stories really is Good News for Little Hearts.



Grandparenting with Grace by Larry E. McCall

In this practical and biblical resource for grandparents, Larry McCall helps readers confidently carry out their mission of gospel-focused grandparenting. Grandparenting with Grace explores how to build a legacy of a life worth following and how to faithfully pray for grandchildren.

Not sure how to nurture your grandchildren's faith? Join weekly webinars on various topics, read recommended books and articles, and join the conversation on this important, but often neglected, topic. To find out more go to:


 Libros Para Padres


Atrevete a Disciplinar

por James Dobson

Con la ayuda del doctor Dobson, millones de padres han aprendido a criar hijos responsables y de buen comportamiento. Atrévete a Disciplinar es uno de los libros clásicos de más éxito del Dr. Dobson sobre la crianza de los hijos. Ahora en una edición revisada y actualizada, le mostrará cómo aplicar disciplina con amor y firmeza, que resultará en respeto mutuo y dominio propio.


Cómo Pastorear el Corazón de tu Hijo

por Tedd Tripp

Como Pastorear el Corazón de su Hijo, es acerca de cómo hablarle al corazón de su hijo. Las cosas que su hijo dice y hace fluyen del corazón. Lucas 6:45 lo pone así: " la abundancia del corazón habla la boca". Escrito para padres con hijos de cualquier edad, este libro iluminador provee perspectivas y procedimientos para pastorear el corazón de su hijo por las etapas de la vida.


Cómo Instruir el Corazón de tu Hijo

por Margy Tripp y Tedd Tripp

Este nuevo libro te ayudará a poner en práctica todas las enseñanzas que aprendiste en Cómo Pastorear el Corazón de su hijo. Te dará herramientas prácticas para que instruyas a tus hijos en los mandatos bíblicos, apuntando siempre a su corazón y no solo a su comportamiento.


Cómo Llegar al Corazón de sus Hijos

por Scott Turansky

Cómo llegar al corazón de sus hijos proporciona las herramientas prácticas y los pasos fáciles de seguir que le ayudarán a: transformar los momentos de corrección en experiencias de aprendizaje, aleccionar a sus hijos para que acepten la responsabilidad de sus errores y mediten en lo que está bien, influenciar y rectificar los valores y creencias de sus hijos y relacionarse con sus hijos mediante el amor y un vínculo emocional.


Criemos Niños Seguros de Sí Mismos

por James Dobson

Presenta doce estrategias para cultivar la autoestima en cada nino.

Padres Fieles: Una Guía Bíblica para la Crianza de los Hijos

por Martha Peace y Stuart Scott

En este libro, la motivación interna y el poder del evangelio son hilos de verdad que han sido tejidos a través de la hechura de cada capítulo. La esperanza del evangelio está presente como una verdad esencial no sólo para los hijos, sino también para los padres.

Patrimonio Espiritual: Criemos Hijos que Amen a Dios

por Voddie T. Baucham Jr.

Este libro audaz es un llamado urgente a los padres ―y a la iglesia― para que vuelvan al discipulado bíblico en y a través del hogar. Patrimonio Espiritual equipa a los padres cristianos con las herramientas necesarias para criar bíblicamente a los hijos en una sociedad poscristiana y antifamilia. El mandamiento sencillo que le dio a Moisés para enseñar diligentemente la Palabra a los hijos de Israel sirve como el fundamento de Patrimonio espiritual.

 Sex, Sexuality & Gender

God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies

by Justin Holcomb

It's easy to convey the message to children that their bodies or particular parts of their bodies are shameful. This misconception fuels confusion, embarrassment, and secrecy, and often prevents children from recognizing or reporting sexual abuse. God Made All of Me is a simply-told, beautifully-illustrated story to help families talk about these sensitive issues with two- to eight-year-old children. Because the private parts of our bodies are private, the home is the ideal environment where a child should learn about his or her body and how it should be treated by others.

God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender

by Marty Machowski

God Made Boys and Girls helps children understand that their gender is a gift from the God who made them and loves them. In a world where there is so much confusion about gender and identity, pastor and best-selling author Marty Machowski shares the simple, clear truth that all of us are made in God's image as either male or female and what God made is very good!

Video Resources

Join Ms. Sarah as she takes your child on an adventure through a story! Each video clearly articulates a well-known Bible story or the Gospel in a fun, captivating way. Some even end in a "Pop Quiz," just to see if everyone was paying attention! Cli…

Join Ms. Sarah as she takes your child on an adventure through a story! Each video clearly articulates a well-known Bible story or the Gospel in a fun, captivating way. Some even end in a "Pop Quiz," just to see if everyone was paying attention! Click here to watch.

The Bible App for Kids, created by YouVersion, introduces children to 41 Bible stories that will help them understand the overarching story of the Gospel. Your child can choose what story to listen to as they engage through animations, games, and mo…

The Bible App for Kids, created by YouVersion, introduces children to 41 Bible stories that will help them understand the overarching story of the Gospel. Your child can choose what story to listen to as they engage through animations, games, and more. The Bible App for Kids is designed to help them learn, understand, and retain foundational truths found in God's Word. Click here to check out this resource.

Want to have access to Biblically-based videos for kids? Sign-up for a free account through Hillside Church by clicking here!

Want to have access to Biblically-based videos for kids? Sign-up for a free account through Hillside Church by clicking here!

Worship through music is a wonderful way to teach your child to bring praise to God! The heart behind these videos is to prepare your child for some of the regular songs sung in our main worship services, but of course, we've added a few fun motions…

Worship through music is a wonderful way to teach your child to bring praise to God! The heart behind these videos is to prepare your child for some of the regular songs sung in our main worship services, but of course, we've added a few fun motions. Click here to watch the Summer Sundays music videos! If you are looking for additional music options for your family, you can also check out the Hillside Kids Worship Spotify playlist.

 Holiday Resources

Easter Resources

The Easter Story by Katherine Sully

3-7 years old

A simple, illustrated story that walks your child through the story of Easter! Comes equipped with engaging questions for parents at the end of the book.

God Gave us Easter by Lisa Tawn Bergren

3-7 years old

Little Cub is stunned to hear her father say that Easter is even better than Christmas. On a walk, Papa Bear uses an Easter egg, an uprooted tree, and evidence of new life in a pinecone to tell the Easter story: how Jesus was the root of Jesse who came to die and to rise again so that we would have the chance to go to heaven, where we will see Him face-to-face. This story covers doctrines like sin, prayer, and heaven in simple language that children can understand.

The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross by Carl Lafterton

Ages 4-8 years old.

This book takes children on a journey from the garden of Eden to God’s perfect new creation. Retelling the Easter story through a Bible overview, children will discover that ‘because of our sin, we can't go in’ but because of Jesus’ victory on the cross, an even better garden awaits us.

Good News for Me! by Brooke Kashou

Ages 2-7 years old.

Good News for Me! explains God’s gift of salvation in an appealing format for young children. Simple language and beautiful illustrations help little ones understand how they can choose to trust in Jesus for eternal life!

The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung

Ages 9- 12 years old

This book is all encompassing as it teaches important truths about God, his Word, and the history of His work in the world.

Christmas Resources


God Gave us Christmas by Lisa Town Bergren

Join Mama and Little Cub as they are getting ready to celebrate the most special day of the year: Christmas. With this book, young children can celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and discover the awesome truth of how much God loves them.


Christmas in the Manger by Nola Buck

The beauty of the story of the first Christmas is explained with simple, lyrical text and radiant artwork. This short board book is recommended for 1 to 3-year-olds.


The Beginner’s Bible: The Very First Christmas

The Beginner's Bible: The Very First Christmas, introduces children to the story of Jesus’ birth with exciting new artwork from the bestselling and beloved The Beginner's Bible.


The Birth of Jesus (My First Bible Stories) by Katherine Sully and Simone Sanfilippo

The story of the birth of Jesus is retold in a picture book format ideal for young readers. There are plenty of opportunities for spotting things, joining in with sound effects, as well as further discussion points at the back of the book.

Listen to Ms. Sarah read this story in Story Time with Ms. Sarah here.


The Christmas Story for Children by Max Lucado, Randy Frazee, and Karen David Hill

The Christmas Story for Children tells readers about the birth of a special baby whose story is filled with love for us all.

Listen to Ms. Sarah read this story in Story Time with Ms. Sarah here.


Seeds of Christmas on RightNow Media

This musical video journey will take your family through the prophesies in Isaiah and Micah to the incredible accounts of Jesus's miraculous birth in Matthew and Luke. We believe the music/videos to word-for-word Scripture will help your family go deeper with Jesus this Christmas season.

To sign up for a free RightNow Media account through Hillside Church, click here.