Fall 2024 Classes

Equipping classes are a wonderful way for you, as a Christian, to learn to follow Christ. These classes will help you to walk with Christ in all of your life. Each of our class offerings will have a similar weekly structure. You'll hear teaching, have time to pray together and have time for discussion. We hope you will join these classes to deepen your faith in Christ and obedience to Him in all of life

Every 13 weeks we will cycle through different equipping classes. Some may repeat for a second 13 week cycle, giving more people the opportunity to take each class. RSVP for the class you are most interested in to help us decide what room each class will be located in.

Basics, 11 AM, Room 106
Great for new christians or someone who needs to revisit the basics of the Christian faith, this class reviews questions such as… what does it mean for us to follow christ? How do we live in a fallen world? What did God do to rescue us from our sin?



West Shoultz

Greg Enos

Matthew Mathai


Living As A Church, 11 AM, Room 220
This class will prepare you to be a better participant in the life of the local church. We will learn about unity and diversity, preaching and prayer. We'll understand church leadership and how church discipline is meant to purify the bride of Christ. We will see the importance of fellowship and much more.



Chuk Onwubuya

Gary Johnson

Vivek Verma


Suffering, 9 AM, Room 220
Suffering is an ever present reality in our world. How do we keep our faith intact as we and ones we love suffer? How do we ground everything in our trust in God. This class will help you to understand how to share burdens with others, how to witness to others suffering, and the secret of contentment in Christ.



James Nunes

Stanley Lin

Don Hagner


1 Samuel, 9 AM, Room 206
This class is currently studying the book of 1 Samuel and will progress through other books of the bible throughout the year. If you desire to deepen your understanding of God's word this class is for you!



Lee Sierad

Quinton Paul

AJ Hart