Hillside church Members
When you become a member of Hillside Church you will be able to sign up and gain access to our online directory. We hope you find the information helpful and a way to become part of our church family.
How to Download the ShelbyNEXT App
For iPad and iPhone users, go to the App Store.
Android users will go to Google Play. Search “Shelby next”.
When you open the app, you will be prompted to enter a domain, username, and password. If you haven’t already sign up above to get your username and password.
The domain is hillsidechurch. You should’ve already received an email from the church with a username and password.
Tap domain and add hillsidechurch.shelbynextchms.com
Tap the Sign in button.
How to Access ShelbyNext online:
You will once again be prompted to enter your password and username.
To request access sign up at the button above.
Once you sign up you should receive an email from the church with your username and password.
You will use this username and password to sign into ShelbyNext either online or using your downloaded app.
Download the app from either the App Store or Google Play below.