In our small groups, we discuss what we have studied, encourage one another, and pray for one another. On Thursday mornings, we then gather together for teaching, testimonies, or fellowship.
Thursday Morning Bible Study meets from 10 AM - 12 PM
Kickoff: January 9th
Tuesday Evening Bible Study meets from 7 PM - 8:30 PM
Kickoff: January 7th
A calendar will be distributed on the first day.
Please note: Childcare is NOT available on Tuesday evenings.
Each Wednesday morning, join our ladies in an in-depth study of the word. Precept meets on Wednesdays from 9:00-11:30 AM in Room 220. Starting September 18th.
All ages are welcome from High school (homeschoolers) and up!
For more information or to sign up, contact Anne Smith at 408-506-6456 or annefsmith@yahoo.com.
+ 2024-25 Precept Schedule
Fall Semester
Isaiah: Part 1
9/18/2024 to 12/11/2024 & 01/08/2025 to 01/22/2025
(NO CLASS on 12/18, 12/25, 01/01)
Cost: $33
Isaiah: Part 2
01/29/2025 to 03/26/2025
Cost: $25
Spring Semester
1 John and 2 & 3 John
April 2nd to May 28th (9 weeks)
OFF April 18th for EASTER
Cost: $22 for workbook
How To Know You Have Eternal Life
Take a journey through the scriptures with the Apostle John, an eyewitness to the life of Jesus Christ. John walked with Jesus on earth so it’s no wonder that he steps up to the plate when deceivers try to weave a story to lead believers away from the truth.
In this Bible study on I John and 2 & 3 John, we will explore questions like, “How do you know if you're really born again?” “What does it mean to be holy?” “What does it mean to love God?” “How do you know the truth?” “How do you stay confident in the truth that you have learned and loved?” Find answers to these and other questions as you take an in-depth look at several fundamentals of Christian beliefs.
+ What is Precept Bible Study?
Precept is an in-depth bible study that equips a believer to dig out the riches of God’s Word for herself. It is a method that brings you directly to the Word of God, your guidebook for all life. You will learn invaluable skills to gain an accurate observation, interpretation, and application of scripture.
Precept workbooks require an hour of study for five days each week. Then as a class we are led thru an extended discussion, followed by an hour video lecture by Kay or David Arthur, of Precept Ministries International.
Questions? Email us at women@hillside.org